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I am a certified DiSC Trainer.

What does the DISC assessment measure?

The DISC assessment measures

the four quadrants of a person’s


The results can show us one’s

predictable behaviors, style of


preferred environments,

reactions to conflict, and more.

The four quadrants of personality:

  • D = Dominance The D personality style is direct, quick to make decisions, and likes to control situations

  • I = Influence The I personality style is outgoing, optimistic, and likes to be the center of attention

  • S = Steadiness The S personality style is stable, reliable, consistent, and likes to be safe & secure

  • C = Compliance The C personality style is organized, detail-oriented, creative, and likes to be correct



What are the applications of the DISC profiling tool?

The DISC assessment is one of the most versatile assessments available. It can be applied to business for purposes, such as hiring, team building, leadership development, sales training, conflict resolution, stress management, and increasing communication and productivity. The DISC assessment can also be applied to areas such as education, for purposes such as career guidance, bully prevention, goal setting, and a better understanding of student strengths and potential limitations. Other applications include personal relationship development, and placing volunteers or hiring in ministry or non-profit organizations.


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